About Me
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A Little About Myself
I was born in October of 1974, and from a very early age I have been fascinated by the past. I live and in deed was born in good old England, a nation surrounded in history, yet even England is a relatively young nation when compared with culture's like Egypt, Rome and Greece, not forgeting the old races from the Americas of course!
I have many other interests too, including, music, writting poetry and short stories, and magick, which I am currently trying to learn about.

Plans For This Site
On this web site, I am hoping to share my learning experience's with you. I will post my veiws and understandings on the various subjects that we encounter along our journey. I will post a poetry section, along with quite possible a short story section. I am no genius, I do not beleive that I have all the answers! These will just be the things that I have come to beieve and the why's behind those beliefs, I welcome feedback at all times!

Others that have contributed to this site
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Anyone whom send's me aything that I post on the site, or helps me with my research will be credited here! If you have a web site of your own, I'll add a link in the links section of this site!

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