Thoughts and Opinions
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Some random thoughts and opinons. Email your responses if theyre interesting I might even post them here!
I have ready many things over the years, some of them seem to make sense, others clearly do not. I bagan my very own quest for answers many years ago, but every time I thought that I was getting closer to an answer it seemed to create even more questions, so what conclusions did I draw from this, well only that NO ONE person out there has all the answers, and we will all interperet the truth in any number of ways. Many of us can see the same event, yet interperet it in a different way. Therefore I came to a conclusion that an open mind is the most important asset that any of us can posses. Here are a few of my thoughts and opinions, I just hope that you find it interesting.

The Thoughts And Reflections Of The Fallen Angel


Just where to start? Over the past twenty seven years of my life I have seen, read, heard and learned many things, many of them conflicting with each other, be they opinions or indeed facts.
I have learned that one must always keep an open mind; you can never disregard something, just because it doesnt agree with what you already believe or what you have been taught. There are so many views and theories that it is just impossible for them all to be right, but which ones are right? We can all find facts to back up our theories and beliefs, if we look hard enough, but we must accept the possibility that we are wrong, hey I have no doubt that I might be wrong on quite a few things, but in this body of work I have attempted to compile together a collection of my thoughts and theories, generally my opinions and beliefs with regards to a variety of different subjects and issues, ranging from the history of man, to telekinesis, from UFOs to God, and from religion to Atlantis and ghosts.
Believe it or not this project only started out as little research into a story that I was writing, then I told a good friend about what I was doing and they suggested that I write my research up into a book and share my views with the world! So world, I hope that you are ready!
I have tried to explain the reasoning behind my views and beliefs, and at the end of this body of work you will find a bibliography of my source material and recommended reading, also included is an Alternate Time Line over view, which very briefly gives dates for historical periods and events going back to three hundred and thirty thousand b.c. and beyond! Please do not just take my word for it, or just accept my theories, please question me, question your self and beliefs, look into the various subjects and form your own opinions or views, the mind and intellect are a tremendous tool, we should endeavour not to waste them by just accepting what we are told, we should continue to try and learn, especially about the subjects that fascinate us. Learning does not have to end with school!

Where to Begin?

I guess the best place to start would be with the Alternate Time Line of Human Civilization, as this is where the ideas for this project started.
A few notes about the table below, firstly all years with the minus (-) prefix are b.c., or before Christ, secondly, the information compiled in this table comes from numerous sources, and has been collected over a vast period of time. You may notice that some Periods or eras and Dynasties seem to overlap, that is because they actually do, and as you may be aware, most dates do seem to fluctuate depending upon the source material that you are taking it from. I have chosen to compile the table with a world wide view,
as opposed to compiling individual tables for each nation / continent.

Table 1. An Alternate Time Line For Human Civilization

Alternate Time Line Of Human Civilization

Year Event Description Location
-10000000000 The approx calculated timing of the Big Bang and the birth of our universe Universal
-9007000000 Protons and electrons begin to separate from the aftermath of the Big Bang Universal
-5000000000 Our solar system is born with the formation of the sun Universal
-4320000000 the modern Hindu date given for the creation of the universe by Brahma Universal
-3000000000 Life begins to form on earth as it cools Universal
-70000000 A major cataclysmic events leads to the extinction of the dinosaurs World wide?
-2000000 Astralopithecines begin to emerge in Southern Africa Africa / Egypt
-330000 Stone age tools found in Isimila Tanzania indicate that the makers were as intelligent as modern humans. Uranium dating places them at around this date. Tanzania
-200000 The Origins of the Atlantis Civilization are founded Atlantic
-198000 Legendary Civilization of Mu comes into existence
-91600 Earths crust moves, via the Earth Crust Displacement Theory World wide?
-78000 Middle Palaeolithic Period begins World wide?
-70000 Approx time that the last ice age began World wide?
-55000 The accepted date for the first inhabitants of Australia Australia
-50600 Evidence that some people from Asia may have arrived in America. Evidence found in a cave at Pendego, New Mexico, 100 metres above the desert, radio carbon dating has placed these artefacts at around 53000BC America
-50600 Earths crust moves, via the Earth Crust Displacement Theory World wide?
-28000 Some evidence for occupation of Monte Verde Chile
-28000 Middle Palaeolithic Period ends World wide?
-28000 Upper Palaeolithic Period begins World wide?
-28000 The First evidence of religious practices being performed
-23100 The possible beginning of the Egyptian "First Time", or Zep Tepi, when they believed the Gods walked upon the Earth Egypt
-22000 Hearths and stone implements found near Tlapacoya Mesoamerica
-21760 Astrological Age Of Aquarious begins Universal
-19600 Astrological Age of Sagittarius begins Universal
-19600 Astrological Age Of Aquarius comes to an end Universal
-17440 Astrological Age of Scorpio begins Universal
-17440 Astrological Age of Sagittarius comes to an end Universal
-15280 Astrological Age of Libra begins Universal
-15280 Astrological Age of Scorpio come to an end Universal
-15213 Matlactili - The Mayan First Sun begins, (approx). The sun lasts 4800 years to be destroyed by a great flood, Apachiohualiztli Mexico
-13120 Astrological Age of Virgo begins Universal
-13120 Astrological Age of Libra comes to an end Universal
-13000 Antarctica is free from ice, with a temperate climate, and would remain so until around 4000bc, could this be the location of the lost Atlantis? Antarctica
-13000 Agricultural experiments are known to have been carried out in both Mexico And Egypt Mexico + Egypt
-12000 Grind stones first used for flour production
-11205 Ehecatl - The Mayan Second Sun begins, (approx). The sun lasts 4010 years to be destroyed by Ehecatl, the wind god Mexico
-11000 Evidence for the occupation of Monte Verde Chile
-10960 Astrological Age of Leo begins Universal
-10960 Astrological Age of Virgo comes to an end Universal
-10450 Possible date for the building of the giza pyramids, based upon astrological procession Africa / Egypt
-10430 Last known date for the latest reversal of the earths magnetic field World wide?
-10250 Evidence of a "priestly cast", sometimes referred to as the Companions of Osiris, are known to exist in Egypt Egypt
-10000 Date accepted for when the Paleo-Indians entered the Americans America
-10000 Osireian already completed. Date based on geological evidence that the temple shows signs of heavy water corrosion. Egypt
-10000 Hunting equipment, namely a stone spear or darthead found near some Mammoth bones, near Clovis, New Mexico have been dated to this time Mesoamerica
-10000 Upper Palaeolithic Period ends World wide?
-10000 Neolithic Period begins World wide?
-9937 Great catastrophe destroys much of the civilizations of Central America Central America
-9600 Humans first appeared to arrive in the "New World", the Americas America
-9600 The last remaining parts of Antarctica fall into the polar region Antarctica
-9600 Another possible date given for the destruction of the Atlantis civilization as described by Plato Atlantic
-9600 Earths crust moves, via the Earth Crust Displacement Theory World wide?
-9500 The accepted date given for the end of the last Ice age World wide?
-9300 Another possible date for the construction of Stonehenge England
-9000 Animal husbandry developed in Mesopotamia East
-9000 Processional evidence that the Inca city of Tiahuanacos's Temple of the Sun was under construction Mexico
-8800 Astrological Age of Cancer begins Universal
-8800 Astrological Age of Leo comes to an end Universal
-8000 Fully demosticated wheat, barley and pulses cultivated in the fertile crescent nr. Mesopotamia
-7195 Tleyquiyahuillo - The Mayan Third sun begins, (approx). The sun lasts 4081 years and was destroyed by fire Mexico
-7000 A Desert culture is known to exist in the area Mesoamerica
-6700 The Saptarishi calendar of ancient India begins India
-6640 Astrological Age of Gemini begins Universal
-6640 Astrological Age of Cancer come to an end Universal
-6000 The Wiccan religion worships the Mother Goddess throughout Europe Europe
-6000 Painted kiln fired pottery used if Sumer Mesopotamia
-6000 Neolithic Period ends World wide?
-6000 Chalcolithic Period begins World wide?
-5500 Irrigation systems built in Sumer Mesopotamia
-5500 Hassuna Periods begins Mesopotamia
-5000 Badarian - The pre dynastic period of Egypt begins Egypt
-5000 Hassuna Periods ends Mesopotamia
-5000 Halaf / Ubaid Period begins Mesopotamia
-5000 First signs of Agriculture in the Near East Near East
-4500 The burial of a fleet of Ocean worthy ships at Abydos Egypt
-4500 Ploughs and sails first used in Sumer Mesopotamia
-4480 Astrological Age of Taurus begins Universal
-4480 Astrological Age of Gemini come to an end Universal
-4100 Probable date for the biblical flood of Noah World wide?
-4004 The date given for the biblical creation of the world by Bishop Usshers' based upon the chronolgy of the old testement. Ussher was the Arch Bishop of Armagh Universal
-4000 Badarian - This pre dynastic period of Egypt comes to an end Egypt
-4000 Naqada 1 / Amartian - This pre dynastic period of Egypt begins Egypt
-4000 Traditional date given for the Wiccan overthrow of Matriarchy Europe
-4000 Sumer known to have a complete social structure Mesopotamia
-4000 Halaf / Ubaid Period ends Mesopotamia
-4000 Uruk Period begins Mesopotamia
-4000 Evidence that complex sea faring people were making detailed maps of the world, including places like Antarctica World wide?
-3760 The start of the Jewish year count World wide?
-3700 Temple of Kanak is constructed Egypt
-3500 Naqada 2 / Gerzean - This pre dynastic period of Egypt begins Egypt
-3500 Naqada 1 / Amartian - This pre dynastic period of Egypt comes to an end Egypt
-3400 The first walled cities are believed to have been built in Egypt Egypt
-3250 The earliest known writings are used in Sumer Mesopotamia
-3201 The beging of Kali Yuga, the current and most evil age India
-3200 A secret Egyptian king making ceremony is known to have existed in Egypt Egypt
-3200 Uruk Period ends Mesopotamia
-3200 Jemdet Nasr Period begins Mesopotamia
-3150 The Emergence of the unified Egyptian State Egypt
-3114 Tzantlilac - The Mayan Forth Sun begins, (approx). This sun is predicted to last around 5026 years, ending on 22nd December 2012 Mexico
-3113 The year the Mayans believed the planet Venus was "born" Mexico
-3100 Naqada 2 / Gerzean - This pre dynastic period of Egypt comes to an end Egypt
-3100 Naqada 3 / Dynasty 0 this pre dynastic period of Egypt begins Egypt
-3100 The Pyramid texts are completed between 3100 bc and 2345 bc Egypt
-3000 The earliest known Egyptian Hieroglyphics are used Egypt
-3000 Naqada 3 / Dynasty 0 this pre dynastic period of Egypt comes to an end Egypt
-3000 The First Dynasty era of Egypt begins Egypt
-3000 Cities if Harappa and Mohenjidaro are constructed in the Undus Valley of India India
-3000 Early Dynastic 1 begins Southern Mesopotamia
-3000 Chalcolithic Period ends World wide?
-2953 Between 2953 bc and 2838bc the Emperor Fu His produces the first writen version of the I Ching China
-2800 The First Dynasty era of Egypt comes to an end Egypt
-2800 The Second Dynasty era of Egypt begins Egypt
-2750 Early Dynastic 1 ends Southern Mesopotamia
-2750 Early Dynastic 2 begins Southern Mesopotamia
-2686 The "Old Kingdom" period begins in Egypt when Sneferu becomes pharaoh, as part of Egypt's Forth Dynasty Egypt
-2675 The Second Dynasty era of Egypt come to an end Egypt
-2675 The Third Dynasty era of Egypt begins Egypt
-2625 The Third Dynasty era of Egypt comes to an end Egypt
-2600 The first "true" pyramids are constructed near Zoser Egypt
-2600 Early Dynastic 2 ends Southern Mesopotamia
-2600 Early Dynastic 3 begins Southern Mesopotamia
-2530 The accepted date for the completing of the construction of the Great Pyramid at Giza, although there is some evidence that this was the date of a restoration project undertook on the already ancient Pyramid Egypt
-2500 Evidence of the Companions of Osiris still existing Egypt
-2500 The emergence of the City States in Northern Mesopotamia Mesopotamia
-2350 Early Dynastic 3 ends Southern Mesopotamia
-2350 Dynasty of Akkad begins Southern Mesopotamia
-2320 Astrological Age of Aries begins Universal
-2320 Astrological Age of Taurus come to and end Universal
-2300 The City States of Southern Mesopotamia are united by Sargon of Akkade Mesopotamia
-2150 The collapse of the Egyptian Old Kingdom Egypt
-2150 Ur 3 dynasty begins Southern Mesopotamia
-2040 The Egyptian "Middle Kingdom" is established Egypt
-2000 Dynasty of Akkad ends Southern Mesopotamia
-2000 Ur 3 dynasty ends Southern Mesopotamia
-2000 Old Babylonian Dynasty Begins Southern Mesopotamia
-2000 Isin Larsa Dynasties begin Southern Mesopotamia
-1900 The Old Assyrian Period begins Northern Mesopotamia
-1800 First Dynasty of Babylon is established Southern Mesopotamia
-1792 Babylon ruler Hammurabi introduces the first known legal codex, The Code Of Hammurabi Mesopotamia
-1786 The Hyksos kings begin their rule over Egypt Egypt
-1780 Abraham, the biblical figure, travelled from Ur to make his first visit to Egypt Egypt
-1740 The biblical figure Isaac is born to Abraham Middle East
-1720 The Hyksos kings sack the city of Memphis Egypt
-1680 Possible date fro the building of Stonehenge England
-1680 The biblical figure Jacob is born, later to be renamed Israel Middle East
-1620 The Biblical figure Joseph is born Middle East
-1600 Old Babylonian Dynasty ends Southern Mesopotamia
-1600 Isin Larsa Dynasties end Southern Mesopotamia
-1600 First Dynasty of Babylon is ends Southern Mesopotamia
-1600 Kassite Dynasty begins Southern Mesopotamia
-1573 Seqenenre Tao becomes king of Egypt but is confined to the city of Thebes by the ruling Hyksos kings Egypt
-1570 The biblical figure Joseph is vizier to the Hyksos king, Apophis Egypt
-1570 Seqenenre Tao is murdered at the Temple of the Sun, possibly becoming the inspiration for many modern Freemason ceronomies. Ahmose takes to the throne Egypt
-1570 The Egyptian "New Kingdom" begins under the rule of Kamose, the second son of Seqenenre Tao Egypt
-1567 The Hyksos are driven from Egypt Egypt
-1560 The Remains of the Civilization of Atlantis are destroyed Atlantic
-1500 The earliest probable date for the biblical exodus from Egypt led by Moses Egypt
-1500 The Araya race invades India India
-1500 Vocanic eruption destroys Thera Mediterrainian
-1400 The Old Assyrian Period comes to end Northern Mesopotamia
-1400 The Middle Assyrian Period begins Northern Mesopotamia
-1352 Tutankhaman begins his reign of Egypt Egypt
-1343 Tutankhaman reign of Egypt comes to an end with his death Egypt
-1306 Seti 1 rules over Egypt, The temple of Seti 1 is built during his reign, also known as the "House of a Million Years", dedicated to Osiris, the Lord of Eternity. Possibly this temple was constructed on the site of a much older one, hence its name , The House of a Million Years. It is known to be one of the oldest buildings accurately recording astronomical movement Egypt
-1290 Seti 1 dies Egypt
-1200 The Indian Vedas are codified India
-1200 The First origins of Juddaism take place Middle East
-1194 The City of Troy falls Medditeranian
-1155 Kassite Dynasty ends Southern Mesopotamia
-1155 Second Dynasty of Isin begins Southern Mesopotamia
-1100 The Myan culture begins to rise Mesoamerica
-1027 Second Dynasty of Isin comes to an end Southern Mesopotamia
-1026 Second Dynasty of Sealand begins Southern Mesopotamia
-1020 Saul become the king of Israel Israel
-1006 Second Dynasty of Sealand ends Southern Mesopotamia
-1002 David becomes the king of Israel Israel
-979 Dynasty of E begins Southern Mesopotamia
-972 Solomon becomes king of Israel and build his temple to the Jewish God Yahweh Israel
-955 Aztec First Sun begins, (approx) called Nahui Ocelotl Mexico
-934 The Middle Assyrian Period comes to an end Northern Mesopotamia
-934 The Neo Assyrian Period / Empire begins Northern Mesopotamia
-922 Solomon dies leaving religious and financial chaos across Israel Israel
-850 Toltecs arrive in Mexico Mexico
-732 Dynasty of E comes to an end Southern Mesopotamia
-732 Begins the Period of Assyrian domination Southern Mesopotamia
-626 The Period of Assyrian domination comes to and end Southern Mesopotamia
-626 The Neo Assyrian Dynasty begins Southern Mesopotamia
-610 The Neo Assyrian Period / Empire comes to an end Northern Mesopotamia
-550 Temple of Artemis at Ephesus is completed, a Greek part of Ionia in Turkey Turkey
-539 The Achaemenid Empire begins Mesopotamia
-539 The Neo Assyrian Dynasty comes to an end Southern Mesopotamia
-460 The Doric Temple Of Zeus at Olympia, western Greece, is completed Greece
-430 Statue of Zeus is completed Greece
-360 Plaot first tells his story of Atlantis Egypt
-356 Alexander The Great id born? Masadonia
-356 Temple of Artemis is destroyed by Herostratus via a fire, (legend claims it was the same night Alexander The Great was born Turkey
-350 Temple of Artemis is rebuilt Turkey
-331 The Achaemenid Empire comes to an end Mesopotamia
-331 The Hellenistic Period begins Mesopotamia
-311 The Seleucid Period begins Mesopotamia
-279 Aztec Second Sun begins, (approx). Called Nahui Ehecatl Mexico
-160 Astrological Age of Pieces begins Universal
-160 Astrological Age of Aries come to an end Universal
-126 The Hellenistic Period come to an end Mesopotamia
-126 The Seleucid Period comes to an end Mesopotamia
-126 The Parthia Period begins Mesopotamia
-47 The Romans burn the Library of Alexandria, destroying the works of Sappho and possibly many ancient maps. Egypt
85 Aztec Third Sun begins, (approx), Called Nahui Quitiahuitl Mexico
224 The Sassanian Period begins Mesopotamia
227 The Parthia Period ends Mesopotamia
262 temple of Artemis is destroyed by Ostrogoths Turkey
391 Christians burn the Library of Alexandria Egypt
393 Statue of Zeus is moved to Constantinople Turkey
397 Aztec Forth Sun begins, (approx). Called Nahui Atl Mexico
462 Statue of Zeus is destroyed by fire Turkey
550 Temple of Isis at Phiae closes Egypt
570 Mohammed founder of Islam is born India
632 Mohammed dies India
642 Muslems burn the Library of Alexandria, finally destroying it Egypt
642 The Sassanian Period comes to an end Mesopotamia
750 The Abbasid Dynasty begins (part of the Islamic Era from 642) Mesopotamia
868 Diamonf Sutra become the first book to be be printed in China China
946 The start of the Tibetan calander, Kalachakra Tibet
1073 Aztec Fifth Sun began, (approx) Mexico
1250 Toltecs loose their dominance of the Mexico region Mexico
1258 The Abbasid Dynasty comes to an end (part of the Islamic Era from 642) Mesopotamia
1306 Dante writes his Divine Comendy between 1306 and 1321 ?
1337 The Hundred Years War begins between Britain and France England
1429 Joan d' Arc is burnt at the stake for being a witch by the English France
1429 17 year old Joan d' Arc leads the French to many victories over the British France
1453 The Hundred Years War ends between Britain and France England
1503 Nostradamus is born France?
1516 The Ottoman Period begins Mesopotamia
1527 John Dee is born, and writes many things, in cluding the Calls To Enoch before his death in 1608 England
1566 Nostradamus dies France?
1859 darwin writes his Origins of the Species England / America
1871 Darwin writes his Decent Of Man England / America
1909 Darwins Voyage Of The Beagle iis published England / America
1914 The Ottoman Period comes to an end Mesopotamia
1914 The Period of British occupation of the region begins Mesopotamia
1921 The Period of British occupation comes to an end Mesopotamia
1921 The Kingdom Of Iraq begins in the region Mesopotamia / Iraq
1945 The Nag Hammadi Scriptures are discovered World wide?
1947 The Dead Sea Scrolls are discovered between 1947 and 1956 World wide?
1958 The Kingdom Of Iraq becomes the Republic of Iraq Mesopotamia / Iraq
1979 Saddam Hussein becomes President of Iraq Mesopotamia / Iraq
1992 The Dead Sea Scrolls are published on micrfiche World wide?
2000 Astrological Age Of Aquarius Begins Universal
2000 Astrological Age of Pieces comes to an end Universal
2012 The predicted dated for the end of the Fifth Mayan Sun, 22nd of December to be exact Mexico
4160 Astrological Age Of Aquarius will end Universal

As you can see above, I have included some astrological dates, namely the beginning and endings of each age. I have done this because I believe that they are totally relevant to the growth and development of human civilization. For the peoples that have lived in each astrological age have apparently been aware of that age, for example, the peoples whom lived in the age of Taurus, the bull, appeared to worship bull like figures and incorporate the bull into their religious artefacts and art, as well as their culture, and like wise for the other ages. Another example of this is during the age of pieces, (which began around one hundred and sixty b.c.) during this age priests tended to be given the name of fishers of men, Christ included. The symbol of early Christians was indeed a simplistic drawing that resembles a fish as apposed to the cross and crucifix that are used to day, appoint that we will hopefully discuss later when we come to deal with religion. You will also see that I have noted places like Atlantis and Mu, places which are just to most people myth and legend, but I myself, like a good many people out there today, believe that myths and legend are based on historical fact, and if you trace a myth or legend back far enough to its origins then you will find this truth or fact, please dont misunderstand me, Im not saying that these myths havent distorted the facts that they were based on over time, just that if you can trace the myth back far enough, then you will undoubtedly discover the facts that the myth was based upon. For example the city of Rhodes was but a myth, but some one traced it back and eventually found this lost land in the Mediterranean.

Planned ideas
As I have mentioned else where on this site, at present I am working on a few different projects at the moment.
Apart from the various poems, which I will be compiling into a book of sorts which has the working title of
The Thoughts And Reflections Of a Fallen Angel.

I am also working on putting a cd together with various musical ideas that I have been working on over the past few years.

I am also working on an idea of compiling a collection of my thoughts theories and opinions on a wide range of subjects from magic, religion, history to UFOs.

I am also looking into the various aspects of magic, trying to understand this ancient subject, I might even compile and publish my research in the end.